Bulk support arrangement

"All-inclusive support arrangement" is a service that allows you to make all-in-one online assistance arrangements for transportation from the departure point to the destination.
The information necessary for assistance that you registered when you made your flight reservation will be linked with the systems of the joint companies. In addition to reducing the burden of requests that customers have made to each transport operator, operators will be able to efficiently collect information on customers who require assistance.
<Joint press release>

The role of each person
・All Nippon Airways Co., Ltd.
:Summary of this demonstration experiment,Overall service design/development for all-inclusive support arrangements, cooperation with ANA Website and ANA SoraTabi Search
・East Japan Railway Company
:Development of a comprehensive support arrangement system for railway operators, customer support at stations using the system
・Tokyo Monorail Co., Ltd.
:Customer support at stations using systems
・MK Co., Ltd.
:Integrated support Coordination with the arrangement system and MK taxi reservation system, customer support for taxi rides using the system
・Hokkaido Railway Company
: Acceptance procedures related to assistance using the system, customer support at the station site